Taking a step back

I’ve been active on Twitter for just shy of fifteen years. I’ve always loved the feeling of information and debate flowing freely between people worldwide. In the last couple of months, something started to feel different for me. I’m not just talking about the change of ownership Twitter has been going through, although the decision to remove third-party apps was, in my opinion, a massive blow to my productivity. But also, the way people used Twitter seemed to change. It went from where different ideas and thoughts could meet and challenge each other to where all they could do was fight.
Now I know that this is not something that happened overnight or in the last couple of months, for that matter, but my enjoyment of using the platform has diminished to a point where I think I’m better off taking a break from the forum for a while.

I will still be checking out mentions and DM’s and using Twitter to reach out to the odd contact I only know there and automatically pushing the publication of my content, but other than that, I’ll try to keep away from it all in the coming months, and I sincerely hope that the break will give me a renewed love for the platform.

You can also find and reach me at the following places:

Web: danielvasilios.com (this website)
Facebook: /danielvasilios
Instagram: /danielvasilios
Mastodon: @danielvasilios@mastodon.social

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