• Published On: May 18, 2024Categories: Life1.5 min read

    Starting a new web-project In 1999, playing poker in Denmark was quite a different experience than today. First, we didn’t [...]

  • Published On: May 11, 2024Categories: Life1.1 min read

    The old saying "The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes" is also applicable for web designers. I've been building other people's online presences [...]

  • Published On: February 19, 2024Categories: Life, Tech1.1 min read

    While digital streaming services offer unparalleled convenience, there's a tangible connection to the music when it's played from a vinyl record. The [...]

  • Published On: February 4, 2023Categories: Life1.3 min read

    Taking a step back I’ve been active on Twitter for just shy of fifteen years. I’ve always loved the feeling of information [...]

  • Published On: February 1, 2023Categories: Productivity, Tech1 min read

    My primary “want” from Shortcuts, is the same as for HomeKit and other automation systems. I wanna live in my childhoods future, [...]

  • Published On: September 8, 2022Categories: Life1.1 min read

    Rome is one of my favourite cities. I've visited several times and I always leave with a deep rooted feeling of history [...]

Short notes:

A short note is a quick share or a thought of mine. Sometimes my short notes expands into an article or blogpost but mostly they just stay a stray thought.